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  • "The Ritual" Artistic work..


  • Performing the body. Workshop. MUSAC. February, 2013. León (Spain)

  • Zona Intrusa 6. We need a hero! Artistic and Educational project for students of high-schools in Mataró on Superheros Identities and daily experiences of students. Sponsored by the Local Institute of Cultural Action in Mataró (Spain). October-December 2012.

• Pedagogical activities and tours among several exhibitions at Arts Santa Monica, Barcelona (Spain) (2012-2011)


​• Zona Intrusa 5. Performing the body. Artistic and Educational project on the construction of identities from the image and the outfits. Sponsored by the Local Institute of Cultural Action in Mataró (Spain). October-December 2012. (

  • Transformations I. Workshop for kindergardens and preschool education to encourage body language. Pomoted by the Educational Program of Experimentem en l'Art. Barcelona (Spain) 2010-2011.

  • Transformations II. Workshop for high schools to introduce the history of performance. Promoted by the Educational Program of Experimentem amb l'Art. Barcelona (Spain) 2010-2011. ​

  • Lab id IN. Laboratory of identities. Artistic and Educational project to introduce audiovisual creation and performance to youth at IES Besos High School. Project in collaboration with Teleduca, Cultural and Educational Association and Les Salonnières. Coordinated by Hangar, Center for Art research and production. Supported by the Community Program el Besós, Barcelona Council and La Caixa Foundation. Barcelona (Spain). January-June 2011.• Zona Intrusa 4. Artistic and Educational project to introduce performance art to the students of high schools in Mataró (Spain) Sponsored by the Local Institute of Cultural Action Mataró. October-December 2010.

• Factoría Piedra Buena. Social and Cultural Project in collaboration with the architects a77 and Pau Faus. Project around Piedrabuena neighbourhood in Piedrabuenarte Cultural Center, Buenos Aires (Argentina). Sponsored by AECID and Ramon Llull Institute. August-September, 2010 []


  • Arts for education and education for the Arts. Coaching for preschool and elementary school teachers.  Sponsored by Maresme Educational Movement (MEM). Mataró (Spain). July, 2010.

  • We can Xalant. Laboratoty on nomadic Architecture and DIY construction by a77 and Pau Faus. Creation of collaborative attituds  among Pla d'en Boet neighborhood and workshops for kids at the Social Center Pla d'en Boet. Mataró (Spain) June-July, 2009.​

  • Arts for education and education for the Arts. Lecture-performance about Arts Education at schools. Coordinated by the Parents Organitzation at Montserrat Solà School. Mataró (Spain). May, 2009. 

  • Tea Salon, art and education. Discussion with local professionals on Art and Education about different views of Art education. F Space, Mataró (Spain). May, 2008.

  • Fraimimng spaces, bulding a Salon. Educational project to instroduce contemporary art practices to high school students. Sponsored by the Board of Culture in Mataró Council. Mataró (Spain). April-May, 2008.




  • Ritual#04. Happy V-Day.  Choreographic-Sexual-Sideral Happening to explore "lick, lick, lick" movements for "The Ritual" artistic project. Rosa Vallespí Room. La Bonne, Center for Women's cultural creation. Barcelona (Spain) Februray, 2013.

  • Ritual#02. Mirror Reflection. Workshop-performance to create the offerings for "The Ritual" artistic project. Part of the exhibition re.act.feminism#2 at Antoni Tàpies Foundation. Barcelona (Spain). December, 2012.​​

  • Hosting-performance for the opening of Fabra i Coats Arts Factory in Barcelona. Several performances during the event. At Fabra i Coats Arts Factory, Barcelona (Spain) October, 2012.

  • elclimaXmola. Performance on gender identity in relation to body hair, hysteria and women sexuality. At elclimamola, Barcelona (Spain). June, 2012.

  • Preventive therapy against hysteria. Performance that takes the modern history of Hysteria disease. At NauEstruch, L’Estruch, Sabadell (Spain) November, 2012.

  • ​Collaboration in the project and performance “Ariadna-Multiusos, the performative doll”. Project about multi-, plural, inetr-, meta- disciplinareity of the artist Ariadna Rodríguez Cima. NauEstruch, Center of Performance Art. L’Estruch, Sabadell (Spain). November, 2011.​​

  • Collaboration with Chicks on Speed ​to set their exhibition “Cultural Worship Now!” and performing during the exhibiion in the oficial program of performances. At Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien (Berlin). September, 2011.

  • BeardWomen. Your face can be subject of public discussion. Several performances on gender identity in relation to the facial hair. Performed at different Community and Recreation Centers in Barcelona (Casa Sagnier and Casa Orlandai) March, 2011. Performed at MPA-B Festival, Berlin. May, 2011. Performed within the educational project Zona Intrusa 5. Performing the body. Mataró (Spain). October-December, 2011. (

  • Collaboration with Alex Murray-Leslie (Chicks on Speed​​) and Anat Ben David. Performance within the project “Prototype Hits. This shoes are made ​for paint”. At Naustruch, Center of Performance Art. L’Estruch, Sabadell (Spain) April, 2011.

  • Masquerade. Video-art piece on the masquerade concept. Open screening at Kule Theater (Berlin) May, 2011. ( Open screening at La Felpa Cultural Association (Barcelona) March, 2011.

  • UrbanBody. Performance for the workshop “BodyLaboratories” of the choreographer Monica Gomis and the architect Pau Faus. At i-camp space, Neus Theatre München (Munich) April, 2011.​

  • Hairstyle Mannerism. Performance on the performativity of the image. Performed at "Days of Nodes" Festival in Barcelona (May, 2010) and eBent'10, International Performance Art Festival in Barcelona (November, 2010). [] []

  • The Haidresser Salon. Art Project on performativity at hairdressers. Art Project winner of the of the Visual Arts Announcement at La Casa Elizalde Center. The exhibition was setted up at different Art and Recreation Centers of Barcelona. (Casa Elizalde, November, 2010 and Casa Sagnier, March, 2011)

  • Salonnières' family. Participation in the cultural project “Terrassa Tropical. Interferencies ‘09”. Art project with the students from the School of Arts in Terrassa (Spain). November-December, 2009. Exhibition at Muncunill Art Space in Terrassa (Spain). February, 2010. The exhibition was setted up at Dooryard Gallery in Portland (USA). April, 2010.

  • Collaboration with the artist Alicia Framis in the performance “High-heels for men (Framis for men)” within the project “Forbidden Places” Nivell-Zero, Suñol Foundation, Barcelona (Spain). December, 2009. [Http://]

  • Route 66 and The Camino de Santiago Route. Different dynamics during the Day of presentation of the Artistic and Enterprise project "Disonancies Catalunya" coordinated by Tere Badia. [] Barcelona-Mataró (Spain). November, 2009.

  • Thoughts laundry. Performance for the Conference Day "Education through projects". Promoted by the Institute of Education at Barcelona University (UB). July, 2009.

  • Drawing instructions. Performance and conversation. Promoted by Imma Casas cultural adviser at Sant Lluc Fine Arts Center. Barcelona (Spain). May, 2009.

  • Bonds. Peformance on gender violence during the day of "Documentation, Sexuality and Gender Violence" at Fine Arts Faculty of Barcelona University (November, 2008) and Performance Art Festival A.R.T.T. at TPK, Art and Contemporary Thought in Hospitalet de Llobregat (Spain). January, 2009.

  • A glass like that. Performance in the exhibition "Objects to forget. Welcome to Guantanamo" of the artist Alicia Framis at Santa Monica Arts Center. Barcelona. July, 2008.


• Lecture-performance at the seminar “QUAM 2012. Art, Education and Territory”. Sponsored by acVIC at Vic (Spain) October 2012.


• Lecture-performance at the First Conference of Contemporary artistic practices and educational projects on the production of critical culture at MUSAC, Leon (Spain) May 2010. []

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