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Entenem la creativitat com un acte que està present en tots els àmbits de l’activitat humana. El món en el que vivim és una construcció, és per tant inventat, i per això pensem que s’ha de potenciar la imaginació per crear formes de ser i estar al món diferents i pròpies.

La potencialitat creativa ens fa ser persones més útils, més comprensives, més tolerants i més compromeses amb una mateixa i amb la humanitat.

En aquest cas reivindiquem una formació creativa i no una formació reproductiva. Creant espais on es respiri el diàleg i el debat, la diferencia i la igualtat, l’emoció i la imaginació. També promovem la indagació, la formulació, la reformulació, la possibilitat, el desencert, el dubte o el conflicte, generant així més preguntes que respostes; alternatives i camins diversos.


We use action and performance in educational sites to know and to value other means of expression but especially to develop creativity, critical attitud, disinhibition and socialization between the students.

Through performance we can explore different ways of relating to the world and ourselves. Investigating the communicative and expressive possibilities of presence and corporeality we produce personal and public actions. Our body becomes the object and the subject of the learning  process and with it we create unexpected, new, different, unusual and even radical actions. Bodies become the focus of the creative and educative practice that are both individual and collective.

Moreover, performance
improves socialization and encourages teamwork, push interpersonal relationships further and settle positive habits of cooperation and participation. The students have to have an active attitud and create something new from themselves. At the same time, performance promotes disinhibition which promote that their ideas, thoughts and experiences flow easlily. 


Whatever age we are, our identity set us, defines us and place ourselves towards the others. To be aware of our 'I' and 'ourselve in realtion' is necessary to know us better.​

To ask ourselves about who we are develop our personal and interpersonal growth. We believe that identity investigation from an individual, community and global point of view empowers critical and reflexive attitude and promotes self-confidence and autonomy.


​​Thus, working about identity is useful to involve the students in the learning process. Their learning becomes subjective and personal and practical for their everyday life.​

​El desenvolupament de la creativitat

Performance as educational practice


Identity work

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